Fernando Mencherini (Fermignano, 1949 - Cagli, 1997) studied at the Conservatory “G. Rossini”of Pesaro, with particular emphasis on courses in electronic music by Walter Branchi. Here are but a few of Mencherini’s many works: Notturno for double-bass (1979), commissioned by Stefano Scodanibbio; his first Quartetto d’archi (1980), awarded at the “Premio Bucchi 1981”; Sei danze (SIMC, Aarhus, 1983), performed by the violinist Enzo Porta; Crazy jay blue for clarinet (1985), commissioned by Ciro Scarponi; Das Zweiter Zimmer for piano (1983), a tango commissioned by the American pianist Yvar Mikhashoff; Per Limina for piano (SIMC, Budapest, 1986); Open End (1986), a broadcast documentary for Radio 3 (the program Un certo discorso, edited by Pasquale Santoli); I segreti del tempio (1989), which received an award at the “Concorso Trio Basso Internationaler Kompositions Wettbewerb,” Colonia, 1989); Vortex for flute, violin, 11 strings and vibraphone (1993), commissioned for the “Festival Nuova Musica Italiana;” How was it there? for brass, strings and percussion (1993), commissioned by the Ensemble E. Varèse; Tutti i cappotti for orchestra (1993).

In his last years, Mencherini had begun writing musicals for the stage (Sexy Sadie, a flash opera for the “Europa Festival ’95,” Ferentino) and for dance theater. Working with Arbalete, he composed the music for the ballets Operai (1993), Le zattere, Per la finestra nuova, Il meridiano (1994), and Ghirigori ovvero Io non guardo mai il cielo (1996). He also worked with the vocal ensemble Laboratorio Ottantasette, conducted by Paola Urbinati, writing music for poems from Laborintus by Edoardo Sanguineti, among which were Ah, il mio sonno for six voices (“XIV Rassegna di Nuova Musica,” Macerata, 1996) and Ritorna mia luna for three male voices and soprano saxophone (“Progetto Musica 96,” Rome). Mencherini’s works have been broadcast by several European radio stations and recorded on VDM records, EdiPan, Col legno, BMG Ariola, Contempo Records, Beatrecords. In 2007 and 2013 there were two international competitions for performers of contemporary music dedicated to him.